Thursday, May 9, 2019

layers of armour that they put on through scripture study and prayer and church

April 16th 2019

I'm now leaving my area!! 
General Conference was purty cool. I thought it was super cool how they talked about families and repentance. One of my fave talks was about how men need to improve and repent. what an awesome message from the prophet. Like I said before I'm leaving my area, I'll be going to the other side of the map, to leiding. that'll be super cool. My companion is Elder H, I've only heard good things about him. From what it sounds like and looks like, he's diligent as crap. and he studies alot. I'm pumped, I need a companion like that. He'll be a great strength. This week we had interviews with Pres. In my interview we looked at a painting of a missionary looking in the mirror putting on armour in his reflexion with Christ in the background. he told me how it seems like the high leaders in the church like the apostles dont even seem like they are ever tempted. and then he told me it's because of the layers and layers of armour that they put on through scripture study and prayer and church. such dense armour when they are tempted, it doesn't even make a dent. I was also studying about our divine potential, we are gods in embryo. when we realize who we really are, it helps us withstand, and treat ourselves and others with respect. I love you all, and know that this is Gods work. its a fight, but it's all worth the fight. I'm not always having fun, but i am super happy. I love you all.
Elder Seffker :)

 I watched a little movie about the Temple is Salt lake pretty recently, was it called "House of the Lord? i dunno, anyway. it's been awesome, I'm excited for easter, It's been two weeks since I've taken the sacrament, because of conferences. I'm excited to be totally clean again. Isn't this gospel just amazing? I was thinking recently about the two other kingdoms of glory...and wondering why the scriptures make them seem so awful, when we learn that they still surpass our understaning. and I've learned that the reason they suck so much (excuse my french) is because you can't progress. you are in one kingdom for the rest of eternity and have no way of getting higher. My mission President said damnation is literally the word to be dammed. youre stopped. you cant move on. in the Celestial kingdom there will always be the opportunity to get better, to create more. that's why the sons of mosiah tremble at the fact that they're lamanite brothers wouldn't inherit that. and it's helped me understand as well.

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