Thursday, May 9, 2019

God is at the helm

It's been a while sorry, anyway alittle earlier this week I met this lady while contacting and she was this german white woman who was a jehovah's witness missionary with her husband. we set up an appointment for later that week. I was alittle nervous to go, because these missionaries seemed like they would just yell at us about how we were wrong and I didn't know if it would be much of a lesson. anyway as we biked up to the area and contacting alittle before the appointment we were talking to an older woman and out of the corner of my eye i could see somebody familiar. this certain somebody was a guy who we had met a while ago, he is covered in rings and necklaces and is a bit of a dork. he believes that there is Christianity, Islam, Hinduisma, and HIM he is the 4th religion apparently (I'll send a picture ) anyway He's a legit false prophet, like right out of the book of mormon. I could see him, and he had a bike with a bunch of suriname flags on it (He claims that he is the god of suriname) so he followed us contacting for alittle bit (he believes that we are 2 of his servants or something stupid like that) anyway we got the the appointment with the two jehovah's witness's and the false prophet just waltzed into the appoinment with us!! turns out the jehovah's witness couple was SUPER nice, and respectful, and I learned alot about their faith. they actually knew what they were talking about. the false prophet said a bunch of stupid crap but it was all fine, at one point the jehovah's witness lady said "now did you two bring this gentlemen to our lesson?" we responded "NO, no we didn't" anyway a funny experience, but something I noticed about the jw faith, is the doctrine they have is soley based off of facts and logic, and turning the bible inside out to know exactly what God want's they do they're best with what the great apostacy has done. It makes me grateful that we have a prophet of God (not a stupid false one) who speaks what God wants exactly for us, and we have the Book of Mormon, which gives us more information on topics the Bible doesn't discuss. I love this church, I love this Gospel and I know that God works today, just like he did in the scriptures. I love you all, stay awesome and pray and ask God what he wants. 

Hey Mom! what in the world!! that is some crazy knews hhahaha! I guess dad has TWO siblings. I feel like I'm living in real life Star Wars, "no harry I am your sister!!" that's so crazy ha ha. I love the pictures! that's so amazing, so many crazy things are happening over there! haha. Well mom thats awesome I'm glad that you've got all the heavy stuff out of the way! man I'm so excited! Well mom, thanks for everything! I love you so much, I know this church is true and that God is at the helm. also one more thing dad has a beard?? why didn't he have one when I was home?? hahah okay love you mom, thanks for eveything talk to you next week at about the same time!

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