Thursday, May 9, 2019

amazing example to me of faith

 yeah, this whole gospel is founded upon sacrifice. I was reading in Alma when he's talking to one of his sons. It's an interesting chapter because it seems like Alma knows that he is going to be gone soon and so as he writes his son, instead of telling his son everything that he has learned from his life. he tells his son the basic principles of what he knows and then tells him to trust in God and learn from him. He teaches his son to learn. I like that. I think as a missionary I could be incorporating that more.
We had a few drop through lessons this week, so you know what that means.......CONTACTING!!! it was actually super awesome, there was this missionary in Suriname who got 200 something contacts last week, so me and Elder H were inspired to work even harder to get more contacts. and we've had a lot of fun doing in, it's honestly super cool just walking through the streets stopping people that walk by and talking to them about why everything they believe is totally wrong. hahah just kidding, but it's always an adventure contacting, it's great. our numbers are climbing bit by bit :) (I hope you don't all think I'm super numbers oriented CAUSE I'M NOT.) any way, we've been teaching this awesome family and they are soooooo close to baptism, this saturday :) the mom is such an amazing example to me of faith, she has had dreams about joining the church, one dream, she dreamt about Christ in the spirit world, he was able to speak every lang and talk to everyone. it was super cool. she speaks surnantango, so we have her daughter or a member translate for her. the weeks are flying by. before I know it it'll be the end of the transfer. sorry I don't have any pics lately, but hopefully soon! Love you all!! 
Elder Seffker

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