Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The top of the mountain


Quick update on the missionary work here in Gaira, Colombia:

a I got a new comp (like two weeks ago): Elder Romero a Hna Tricias got baptized last Saturday

a we teach a guy that lives on the top of some mountain

a dog bit me

a l've felt my testimony grow SO much

These last few weeks have been super great, we had emergency transfers and Elder Romero became my new companion. He's a really good missionary, I love how direct he is with the people we interact with.

We started teaching someone named Tricias that we met through a member a couple weeks ago. She's such a sweet lady, and has a strong testimony. We invited her to stop drinking coffee and she was able to quit cold turkey

This last Saturday she was baptized and now she's going to help her family do the same!

We also teach someone named Angel that ironically lives on the top of a mountain us he's got TONS of questions and we love helping him to understand them.

I want to testify of the living Christ, and the power he offers us through his commandments. It is part of God's plan for us to have agency, and for the blessings that come in our lives to be from our choice to follow righteousness.

As children of a loving Heavenly Father, we can become instruments in his beautifuly orchestrated


I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice, to offer himself up as the Lamb of God and be the Good Pastor.

God no longer requires an animal sacrifice, but rather a broken heart that desires to be perfected through Christ's blood. I testify that through Him, we can realize and achieve our divine potential.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


 HEY I figured after a few months I'd better throw in an update:

So I'm in a new area again- it's called Riohacha- its a super cool area because it's right on the border of Colombia and Venezuela
My companion is a dope Brazilian named ELDER C he's a really funny guy
Here in Riohacha there's a lot of indigenous people and they speak a language called Waünakee. I'm trying learn it but there's not like any books on it so it's a slower process than I would like👍
It's a smaller branch but the members are AWESOME so the work is much smoother.
They eat a lot more lamb/goat (chivo) here and it literally tastes like beef jerky so I can't complain
This last month of March has been really good for our mission as well, we had 147 baptisms which apparently is the most in the last like 15 years so that's a fun fact.
I want to share my testimony of the Savior:
I know Jesus Christ is the Son of the God and his mercy extends to all people. I know that our efforts will be magnified by Him as we have a faith in Him. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple enough for a small child to understand but the most educated and intelligent minds can have difficulty applying it. As we become as small children, we can access God's power in our lives. Covenants make our relationship with Heavenly Father stronger, I love this Gospel and love spreading it. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amén.