Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Missions are forever

Hi mom, yeah thanksgiving we didn't really do anything, to celebrate, but on saturday we all got together as a district and ate a bunch of chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes haha, it was a good time. We just had a district conference. A seventy came and spoke. It was cool, we talked about the light of Christ and the light the world thing. To be honest i was super tired and worn out by the end. The meetings went too long because of translation. The members didn't realize they needed to shorten their talks because of translation, so i was just worn out at the end of the day. I was alittle inpatient when we got to the apartment and for some reason less enthusiastic about the work because the conference was just soooooo long. But one thing that I've found about my mission, is as soon as i actually get out there and stop talking about change, but making it happen, i have so much more energy and enthusiasm. I'm alittle concerned/worried because the numbers are low in my area because I'm trying to balance getting all my studies in for my greenie, 1 hour of contacting, and all these conferences. My zone leader i think is concerned too, i don't blame him, but i remember that my success as a missionary is not determined by the numbers. Its determined by my willingness. I've got to focus less on the numbers and more on what is actually going on in peoples lives. There is a brother we are teaching who is in a wheel chair and has been to church for the past 5 weeks. He's going to be baptized on the 14th. At the conference i saw all of the members i taught and helped. The first baptism on my mission, scott, gave a talk on the stake/district conference. He talked about the youth program. I still remember teaching him how to give a talk when i was being trained. I felt like alma when he brags about the Lord. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to see God change people and make them so different. Missions are forever, they don't end at the 2 year mark. Every member is a missionary. We can invite people to come and see in normal amd natural ways. I love you Mom i hope you all have a wonderful christmas season. We're coming up on your birthday, you've been a wonderful mother. I listened to the primary song "i know my Heavenly Father loves me" the song you'd always sing to me when i was little. Tears came to my eyes. Thank you for teaching my that my Heavenly Father loves me. That has carried me to my mission and throughout my life. The Love that you exercised for your father in heaven shined to your children, your influence has changed lives. I love you mom
Elder Seffker

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