Wednesday, September 4, 2019

He will protect

This story is from this past week, We had another lesson with that guy named frank, now let me remind you, he is a very stiff old man, but the gospel really seems to soften his heart, we decided to bring a member to him, and i gave the idea of bro. S. s is alot like frank, really stiff, but really loving and nice. he'll tell you when you are wrong tho. anyway, before the lesson, we called him, and he was alittle stiff about where we should meet up, to go show him where franks house was. after the phone call, my comp said, "are you sure Bro. S isn't too old?" anyway, we got to the lesson, and this lesson would have either been super awesome, or they would have disagreed, and it would have been super bad. got into the lesson and they immediately hit it off. Bro. S said that he recognized frank from somewhere. they started talking about soccer in S. frank said you know de franco? the one with the short leg? Bro. s: yeah yeah, Frank: he's dead now. bro simons mouth hung wide open, no.....yeah, and you know Lagrange? he's dead too. no...... and then they talked about how soccer was good back in the day, but now it sucks, and then in the middle of the lesson, they talked about why dogs are so awesome. it was pretty funny, I was trying to hold back laughing a couple times. but anyway we taught him about the spirit world and how God loves all of his children, no matter age, race, or what ever. really awesome time. 

Hey mom, that story about a is awesome. I know the Lord will protect you too. that's one thinkg I've learned on my mission, is if you press forward with faith, and trust God, no matter where you go, He will protect you. I've seen Him watch over me alot. It makes me super happy that melissa is going on a mission, if the Lord tells you to go on a mission, it's mandatory. haha. but yeah, that's super exciting, she will love her mission. I am a big supporter on going on a mission. you have hard experiences, but they aren't as hard as they would normally be, because Heavenly Father lifts the burdens off your shoulders. thats what i noticed when I was in the hospital. he loves his children, and helps them, as they serve him. I saw the pics of remi, he is so big, thats so fun! I"m excited to see all you guys when i get home. Well thanks for everything mom, I love you ðŸ’™

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