Monday, August 19, 2019

Very elect

okay this week, is a story that's super recent, one day we decided to stop by a ladies house to check on her, (ya know basic missionary stuff) and she wasn't there, so we went to the house across the street. the guy across the street was this old guy who brought chairs out and let us in and so we sat down, and as soon as we sat down he started saying how Joseph smith was a liar, and that it was blasphemous to have a picture of someone seeing God. with people like that I usually get upset and don't control my temper too well. but the spirit kept me calm haha. we explained to him the background and at the end of the contact he was still stern, but in a different way, he said something that stuck out to me "you guys don't know rain or sun, you do all this just based on faith" or something along those lines. it gave me confidence. everything that I do as a missionary is based upon the faith that I have. we missionaries sit out in the burning sun, and in the freezing rain, to serve somebody we've never even seen, but someone we have felt. then this guy went on to say "you two don't even have a desire for women!!" then I said "well I mean we try, we aren't gay" anyway, we've had a couple more lessons with him and he is actually super elect. I think he's going to be baptized. as we bring more info to him, he is more open, because the gospel makes sense, and goes with the bible, most of all, because the spirit is there, and speaks to his heart. I love you guys, and talk to yall next week!

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