Tuesday, November 27, 2018

faith is not a perfect knowledge

this week was pretty cool. I fell into a dirty little river thing as we were crossing a bridge to get to a lesson with a woman. It gave me a good laugh. Heavenly Father really does have a sense of humor, when we got to the lesson, she talked about how she knows the book of mormon was true in her heart, but the names didn't make sense to her. we told her that the most important thing was that we have faith, and that faith is not a perfect knowledge. even if we desire to believe, thats enough. Last night we taught a woman who was frustrated with her dad, and daughter, and neighbors. I felt prompted to tell her that we can always have comfort and a reason to smile, because God is our father, and He loves us. and I told her that she was a daughter of God. We truly do have every reason to find joy and be okay.My companion said When we a partners with God, it's up to us whether we fail, because He is perfect and will always keep His side of the deal. I know that God lives, that He qualifies, and that through Christ we can come to know who we are, and who others are. Ik houd van jullie!! 

Hey mom, sorry it's a day late. the internet was down yesterday, That story from him is super cool. He gave up everything to go help that family. He is a perfect example of someone who is Christlike. I learn more about the type of person Christ is everyday. It's an amazing opportunity to be here. As I spend more and more time with the people i feel more love for them. yesterday, we taught a man who didn't really end up accepting the gospel, but as a looked at him and saw myself in his car window, i thought about how i am a son of God, and he is too. I felt more significance of my missionary calling, that we have so many people around us who have no idea who they are, and what amazing potential and power is inside of them. so many people know about God, but they don't know the extent of who he is, and who they are. anyway, I love you mom, thanks for the email, and your inspired thoughts. I love you so much, I'm glad thanksgiving was good. LOVE YOU!! 

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