Friday, August 26, 2022

sang praises unto God

 sorry I skipped my email last week- [*insert excuse here*] but anyways, the last couple weeks have been super awesome!

I'm getting so excited to head into barranquilla and start teaching- I've heard some sweet things and wanna spread the GOSPEL! Today we went to the temple and bumped into a bikes back tire- we were merging into traffic and we just bumped him a little bit, i just thought that was kind of funny (hes fine)

It's also been so fun to learn more Spanish and talking to the latinos. I love trying to talk to them and translating between languages is sort of fun- I'm excited to become better at Spanish and to learn more from the Spirit. 

A couple things that happened, we saw this big moth in our hallway a couple weeks ago and one Elder (Élder Smith) was courageous enough to smack it off a light and we ended up not dying- I'm pretty sure it would've killed us- he also got 10,000 pesos ($2.33) from it

I wanted to end with a message about the apostle Paul: when Paul was in Thyatira preaching with his companion Silas, he was fasly accused and thrown into prison by magistrates. After being beaten and getting locked up in the most secure part of the prison, Acts 16: 25 says: "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." Shortly after they were freed with an earthquake and converted their jailor. 
We will feel abandoned or treated unfairly at times, but I know that those experiences tell us who we are and what we can be. I know that our Savior can pull us out of the hardest trials and can free us from any spiritual prison we feel we might be in. En el nombre de Jesucristo amen

Thank you guys!!
Élder Seffker

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