Tuesday, September 5, 2017

follows what he learns

Ahhhhm thanks for all the support and packages. Haha, yeah I guess I
could use some vitamins what with all the rice they've got here. Haha,
thanks a ton! Well, the email is way awesome. Nice job everyone with
yours' notes on stake conference. I can relate to the organist player
a bit. I suppose every missionary does, especially those learning a
new language haha. It can be humbling, but Heavenly Father has the
power to help us grow if we desire and work for it and have faith.
I've been thinking a bit about faith and obedience lately. Obedience
isn't a tool you yeild when you think you need it to get specific
blessings, but it's something we work at with faith, not always
knowing what the blessing will exactly be and sometimes following it
even when it's inconvenient. Mission rules are definitely a huge
blessing, it's nice we've got them there to protect and bless us.
Sometimes they can seem limiting but if we didn't have them missions
that would be way dangerous in many ways. This week my companion
suggested we use our priesthood more often. We actually had tons of
opportunities to offer priesthood blessing and use our priesthood so
we took them. It's been a good week. THe work here is good, we've got
a great investigator(Maronibaia) who is honestly a great example to me
and my companion. He's got a great interest in learning God's word in
the bible and the book of mormon. it's his "bwai ni kakabotu" (think
he does to pass the time) which is way good. He also follows what he
learns. Yesterday in sacrament meeting the unit leader gave a way good
talk. It was about this kid who was lazy and his parents put him
through school and stuff but he didn't dare go find a job lest he'd
have to work. He compared it to how sometimes we as members of the
church are always happy to be taught lessons but that we aren't always
happy to go put them to work and use them.
Well, love yall! Thanks for all the good thoughts and support!! Thanks
mom for all you do!!!! Love ya!  Elder SEffker

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