Saturday, February 11, 2023

Lastly we became a branch officially!!!


Uh sorry It's been a while but here's my email for the last like 2 1/2 months ๐Ÿ‘
Honestly so much has happened I'll touch on some main stuff that happened pretty recently

December in Colombia is the hottest month there is because it doesn't rain during that time... basically there's two seasons: hot with rain, or REALLY hot without rain. Luckily they sell little bags of water for like 1/5 of a penny so those were life savers.

During December we celebrated Christmas, met the first lady of Colombia, found the phone I lost in the last email, we were strangely happy to find out someone wasn't married, I got a violin, transfer news said I'm gonna be in my baby area for 7 months, we saw a bull fight, our area 70 spoke to us, and WE'RE A BRANCH NOW BABY

๐Ÿค I found the phone I lost like 3 months ago on a bus when some dude (he was like 5 feet tall) walked up to us and said he had it! That was a nice miracle because we would've had to pay for it... I think that's the first time anyone has ever gotten a lost phone back in Colombia๐Ÿคฉ 

The first lady actually pretty nice! We represented the church at some event because tons of supplies were donated to people that had pretty much nothing. We went with some members from the big city and it was super fun! 

I bought a violin because it's fun ๐ŸŽป I need more ideas for songs like if you got any ๐Ÿ‘

A member family in our area is working on getting baptized so the guy can be worthy of tye priesthood and his wife can be baptized- but like every other fetching person in Colombia- they're not married ๐Ÿ˜€ the guy said he had a previous marriage and they went to check the legal documents and they never got legally married - only in the catholic church. Basically this means they don't have to get divorced which is SO much easier. Love seeing the Lord progress the work and lifting burdens!

There was a cool "bull fight" were a bunch of guys hop in a stadium and chase around a bull that's trying to stab em ๐Ÿฆฌ fortunately no one died this time but some dudes did find bull horn where it shouldn't be

Our area 70,- Elder Becerra- and his wife spoke to us and it was incredible!! I truly felt the spirit so strongly and he gave awesome thoughts on Jacob's ladder in Genesis and the temple covenants- and how the baptism and marriage (first and last covenants made in the temple) have the Son, The Father, and the Holy Ghost. 

Lastly we became a branch officially!!! We've been a family group for someone's and the application to be a branch was submitted- meaning we'll get a bigger meeting place and some leadership! Super excited to stay for 7 months and see the progress!!


mom for teaching me about Jacob's ladder and being the scriptorian she is

My comp Elder Silva for not getting too trunky on his last transfer๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

bleach for being invented

Elder Zavaleta and Rendon for leaving on the iron for three days ๐Ÿคฆ


We killed a tarantula and told an elder it's a toy - I didn't feel that bad until he realized it...

Nap-time on the bus!

Iguana eggs: taste weird but the iguana tasted like BBQ chicken ๐Ÿ” ๐ŸฆŽ


Some quick dips in the local pool with white clothing and *real* priesthood authority! 
(Just a baptism don't worry President)

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