Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Exactly what I needed

 This week has been amazing! (by the way, i'm gonna call it my mission log from now on because it sounds like buzz lightyear) I'm absolutely loving the MTC here in Colombia, and because its such a small MTC, we're all really close to each other! We went to the temple again today and got some pictures of the city on the way there! It's crazy how fast time has flown by, i could've sworn that yesterday i just got off the plane but it's already week 2!! I'm loving all the latino Elders that room with us because they are always super happy and funny. When they try to make fun of us in English, they directly translate certain phrases so they end up "teasing" us by telling us to get a "blood transfusion" . It's so amazing here in the MTC though because the spirit is always so strong! I am so glad that I chose to go on a mission because I never realized how powerful it is to be able to experience this. Learning Spanish has been incredible too- and I owe it all to the Lord. I know that the gift of the holy ghost is truly real and we really do receive answers to our prayers. I wanted to testify of an experience i had recently with one of my teachers. first off, hes such a funny guy and can teach by the spirit so well and simply. One morning i was just feeling unhappy and unmotivated to learn or participate. That morning, i prayed that i would have a productive day. about half an hour or so into our first class, our teacher started teaching the class with such a happy attitude and he was simply being himself, which was exactly what i needed. I started to tear up just being so grateful that my prayer was answered and how my bad mood INSTANTLY disappeared. I know that the Gospel is for everyone to learn and grow. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

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